Computer error is indication that your system is not working properly. Solving the error is important because if you leave the system in error state it can become a big issue for you after some time. There are few general errors that can be solved no matter if you have not done any course in computers. However, it's important for a person to know some devices of the computer. Like what are input devices and output devices so that general errors can be identified easily. The device that shows, the result is output device and input devices are those which are connected to send request to the computer. The best examples of output devices are monitor and printer. Input devices are keyboard and mouse. If your CPU is not connected with these items computer will generate errors and make the entry in event viewer application. If there is no display check the cable of the monitor first. If you are getting power in monitor then check VGA cable that connects from monitor to CPU. Unplug the cable and wait for signal to the monitor. Then plug the cable again. If still not getting results, then check the brightness and shortcut buttons on monitor. There are chances that somebody has changed the settings of your system. In case of input device failure you will get the message on a monitor like if keyboard is not connected to the CPU you will get the message “keyboard error”. Unplug the keyboard and plug it again and restart your system. The similar feature works with a mouse as well. Plug the mouse out and plug it again, your device will work properly. These are some general tips that a user can manage by own. If you are familiar with your computer, then you can easily identify these errors....