Replacement of MSI B350M Pro to Gigabyte B450M

Make sure do avoid basic mistake while upgrading your Gaming PC motherboard and processor.

Written by Geeks Callout

Written by Geeks Callout


MSI to Gigabyte Motherboard Replacement

Recently we received a request from SW13 area London. User tried to upgrade from old processor to new Core Ryzen 5 but couldn’t do it properly. During the replacement of new processor user managed to mistakenly bent the pins of processor which caused the processor immediately stopped responding. We have also been told that user tried to re-insert the old processor but that stopped working as well. User also tried to disconnect the power supply, waited for about an hour and re-installed it but it never came on. User also mentioned of tried to do various things but nothing managed to turned the system back on.

Well, it seems user did not have much idea or experience regarding the upgradation or to deal with how to upgrade custom built PC. With limited knowledge user tried to upgrade processor with extreme external force to place it which ended up having processor pins bent and that did manage to damage the motherboard processor installation kit as well.

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Replacement of Motherboard and Processor 

We sent our best gaming technician to first at user’s house to look at it and examine the cause of the damage. Our technician tried to reset the bios and tried bring the bent pins back to its position with special tools and tried to insert it back on MSI Pro B350M but it didn’t respond. No sign or life, no beeps nothing. It seems the problem was not straight forward. After having no luck with the new processor Core Ryzen 5, our gaming expert tried to use the old processor to see if motherboard responds or if fans attached to motherboard does respond – It turns out that even the attached fan on the motherboard stopped turning on. Our expert realised surely something might have gone wrong with the power supply. But after running test on a multimeter it established the power supply was absolutely fine.

Finally, we requested client it has to be taken into the lab for more thorough test to finalise the issue either if its a motherboard (more likely) or just required a new processor which was definitely required a new one.


After having a deep look and testing out all the components it finally turns out to be the old processor was fine. It’s just the new processor and the MSI motherboard failed due to extra force applied and tried to installed AMD Core Ryzen 5 processor in a wrong way. 

After explaining all this to the user, our Gaming PC Expert gave the solution of having this PC upgraded to the newer and reliable Hexa Core Ryzen 5 1600 and Gigabyte B450M H Motherboard. Since the MSI Pro B350M was dead, it wasn’t possible to fix it. It took our Gaming expert just a day to organise the components, removed the existing MSI motherboard, processor and installed the latest Gigabyte B450M and Hexa Core Ryzen 5 processor. Geeks callout expert did check the old existing components inside the casing box like power supply voltage, RAMs GHz, HDD and etc and all seems to be 100% compatible with the Gigabyte motherboard. After the successful installation of all the old components with Gigabyte and Ryzen processor, computer did turn on as filmed in the video. Gaming computer has been returned back and user is absolutely satisfied and so happy to have a new upgraded Gaming PC.

We always recommend to have the expert advice or help when it comes to upgrading your laptop or computer. Although, by the look of it or watching couple of youtube videos it looks fairly simple to built a computer, but when it comes to do it by yourself, its technical and complicated. All Gaming PCs are not same to upgrade in regards to internal structure. Some are very complexed and delicate. Always speak to an expert for an advice and if you feel confident just do it under the supervision of some gaming expert or probably find a gaming technician near me to save the damage and hassle.

For advice and help on dealing with computer problems, visit the Computing Chat Helpdesk, Fill up the form or Call us and speak directly to our PC expert at 0203 290 5190.

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